by g-j-kaswalder-v | Feb 19, 2018 | Go Ahead, Quotes
“We were like nomads moving from one place to the other. We even bathed with water from the cistern to keep the water bill low.” The years were passing by and we were settling into our new country learning to speak Papiamentu. Until one day in 1964 a terrible accident...
by g-j-kaswalder-v | Feb 3, 2018 | Go Ahead, Quotes
Mamá made some remarkable statements that today would be considered racist. “Fold in your lips and pinch up your nose” mamá would tell us. We also had to look nice when taking family pictures. A person with thick lips and a flat nose, was and still is, considered by...
by g-j-kaswalder-v | Jan 23, 2018 | Go Ahead, Quotes
“On Sunday, August 10th 2008, my children and I went to my parents’ home after church. We sat in the car and parked in the shade while we waited for my parents to get home from church. As we spoke, it was as if the location for my bed and breakfast suddenly...