Go Ahead, Back Home

Having lived seventeen years in The Netherlands, on September 1st I returned to the island where I was not born, but was raised and lived for 37 years. I compensate the extremely hot weather with a daily morning walk and swim. I miss my children back in The...
Celebrating our 1st Anniversary

Celebrating our 1st Anniversary

Today, June 1st we celebrate the 1st anniversary of Go Ahead You’re Home. Last year June 1st 2016 was the première presentation on the lovely Island of Curaçao Download the first chapter for FREE and purchase your copy online. Living in The Netherlands, and...
Align with Divine

Align with Divine

I went to the grocery store to fetch some stuff. Now I must say, that if the grocery owner depended on more customers like myself, he probably would long be out of business. Though by no means I consider myself a health guru, a substantial amount of  merchandise on...

Inspiration & Motivation

There are times we can all use inspiration and motivation. I’ve been through many desperate times. However, I kept moving. You can’t stand still and move forward at the same time. You must Go Ahead! Here’s an excerpt from my autobiograpy. I hope it...

Resurrect Your Buried Dreams

Christian believers sing it every year on Easter. “Up from the grave He Arose!”  “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain” 1 Corinthians 15:14 While some may or may not accept this as truth, I ask...