With less than 48 hours left before wishing each other a Happy New Year, I take this opportunity to first thank God, for all blessings and substance received in the past year. I would also like to thank you for being part of my success, professionally and/or personally.

I do not know what tomorrow holds. Neither am I the least concerned or pessimistic about the future. What I do know is that if I surrender and entrust my future plans and ambitions to The Divine Creator of the Universe, come what may, all will be well.

“In Quietness and Confidence shall be my Strength.” Isaiah 30:15b

I eagerly look forward to Go Ahead in the coming year, motivated by faith, not paralysed by fear.

I declare and decree: I am the master of my destiny, not a victim of my history!

May Blessings, Prosperity and Abundance be Yours in 2017.

Happy New Year!
