Dear family, friends and followers,
It’s my honor and privilege to announce my upcoming book in English and Papiamentu:
“Swaen Village – from Ruins to Richness”
depicting the Vision I received in 2008.
Thanks to Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Caribisch Gebied (PBCCG) for acknowledging and believing in this project, by granting partial subsidy for publishing and printing, in due course.
Despite challenges that still lie ahead, e.g. concession from government and funding of the project, as a person of unshakable faith in me and The Divine, I’m taking the liberty with boldness and confidence to present you the DRAFT script.
This is not just for your reading pleasure. I would be pleased to receive your honest, unsalted, constructive critique and feedback, in the comments section below a/o for enhancement and improvement of the publication. And please, save the sugarcoating for your donuts. 😉
Thanks in advance for your kind cooperation and collaboration.
“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18

Tirzah Libert / All rights reserved / The content may not be reproduced without written permission of the author.