GO Ahead,
An Inspirational Christmas and A Classical New Year!Every year, we are faced with the same dilemma as to what to give our loved ones for the holiday season. And of course, we would like our gift to not only serve the holiday season, but all year through as well. In that case, I’m delighted to make you two (2) wonderful offers, you can’t refuse.
Give the gift of Love!
For many “Go Ahead, You’re Home” served as “an awesome source of inspiration”
Enjoy a tribute to Kenneth Libert in a Classical Gala Concert CD

A true and poignant story
of forgiveness, hope, and love

A true and poignant story
of forgiveness, hope, and love
The Musical Gift of Love is available for purchase today
A tribute to Kenneth Libert in a Classical Gala Concert has become a collector’s item since the passing of the Musical Legend. († November 26, 2018). A semi-live recording of instrumental sacred and classical hymns which will ascend spirit, soul, and body in worship and adoration of the Divine, Thé Almighty. Musical accompaniment by the late legend himself on piano, the chips off the older block, Pedro Libert on viola, Antonia Libert on cello, and many more guest performances and poetry.

In Curaçao, visit Kas di Beibel, Gaitoweg 3, phone 7376711, to purchase the CD or book: Special price for both Naf. 45.00.
For a personal autographed copy of the book, contact the author:
E-mail: tirzahlibert@gmail.com
Local Mobile # 6980583